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en:2013-event [2013-04-01 14:25 UTC]
en:2013-event [2013-04-01 14:26 UTC] (current)
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Raised awareness about the need to transition to IPv6; introducing expectation that there can be useful IPv6-only resources on the general Internet; wide testing and possible proposals of improvement to the web browser behaviour in case when a target domain has only AAAA-record, but there is no local IPv6 connectivity. Raised awareness about the need to transition to IPv6; introducing expectation that there can be useful IPv6-only resources on the general Internet; wide testing and possible proposals of improvement to the web browser behaviour in case when a target domain has only AAAA-record, but there is no local IPv6 connectivity.
-Possible loss of up to 95% of daily website visitor counts for 24 hours at participating websites; actual impact is difficult to estimate, as many visitors can be actually IPv6 capable, but won't prioritize connection over IPv6 in case a website also has IPv4 (e.g. Teredo, 6to4 tunneling).+Possible loss of up to 95% of daily website visitor counts for 24 hours at participating websites; actual impact is difficult to estimate, as many visitors can be actually IPv6 capable, but won't connect over IPv6 in case a website also has IPv4 (e.g. Teredo, 6to4 tunneling).
With the appropriate preparations (instructions on obtaining v6 connectivity) can be somewhat mitigated. With the appropriate preparations (instructions on obtaining v6 connectivity) can be somewhat mitigated.

en/2013-event.1364826352.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013-04-01 14:25 UTC by rm
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