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en:ipv6-for-freedom [2010-08-15 09:54 UTC]
en:ipv6-for-freedom [2011-05-31 10:44 UTC] (current)
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IPv6 is still the future for most, the present for a few, but believe me -- those who currently don't know what it is and why we need it, are much better off getting onto that bandwagon now, while it's not going full-steam, than to try catching it in a hurry in the last minute, and failing that, having to settle for a long walk uphill, in snow, carrying the heavy shackles of NAT. IPv6 is still the future for most, the present for a few, but believe me -- those who currently don't know what it is and why we need it, are much better off getting onto that bandwagon now, while it's not going full-steam, than to try catching it in a hurry in the last minute, and failing that, having to settle for a long walk uphill, in snow, carrying the heavy shackles of NAT.
 +===== Read More =====
 +  * 2010-09-27: [[http://na.isobar.com/2010/the-coming-ipv6-evolution/|The Coming IPv6 Evolution]]
 +  * 2010-04-16: [[http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=1578519|IPv6: Why Bother?]]

en/ipv6-for-freedom.1281866082.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011-05-31 10:44 UTC (external edit)
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