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en:why-is-ipv6-broken [2011-07-09 22:40 UTC]
en:why-is-ipv6-broken [2011-07-09 22:53 UTC] (current)
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Right now, unless you buy transit from multiple tier 1s, and do so with carefully chosen tier ones, you have only part of the IPv6 internet.  Many tier 1s are unsuitable even as backup connections, since you still want your backup connection to have access to the whole internet!  Good tier 2 providers might be an excellent choice, sine good providers have already done this leg work and can monitor their providers for compliance. Right now, unless you buy transit from multiple tier 1s, and do so with carefully chosen tier ones, you have only part of the IPv6 internet.  Many tier 1s are unsuitable even as backup connections, since you still want your backup connection to have access to the whole internet!  Good tier 2 providers might be an excellent choice, sine good providers have already done this leg work and can monitor their providers for compliance.
-//-- by Bob Network at http://mailman.nanog.org/pipermail/nanog/2011-July/038149.html on 2011-07-09//+// This article was written as a post by someone named "Bob Network" to [[http://mailman.nanog.org/pipermail/nanog/2011-July/038149.html|NANOG]] on 2011-07-09, mirrored here mostly for easier readability from the web.//
===== A few myths... ===== ===== A few myths... =====

en/why-is-ipv6-broken.1310251217.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011-07-09 22:40 UTC by rm
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